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Honor Cecil by Signing World Heritage Species Petition #WorldHeritageSpecies

Honor Cecil by Signing World Heritage Species Petition  #WorldHeritageSpecies

"Until the Lion Learns How to Write, Every Story will Glorify the Hunter" - African Proverb

The Murder of Cecil the Lion

Three years ago, Cecil, a beloved African lion in  Zimbabwe’s Hwange National Park, was shot and killed by Walter Palmer, a dentist from the United States. Palmer paid around $54,000 to bow-hunt Cecil. On July 1, the dentist hit the lion with an arrow on a farm outside the national park, a place where Cecil was known to explore.  Palmer and his guide tracked Cecil for over 11 hours then shot  again taking the collared lion’s life.

The  murder of Cecil, a 13-year-old lion with a glorious black mane, sparked  international outcry.  News spread rapidly across the world via social media. Cecil was the star of Hwange National Park and he was one of the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit’s (Wildcru) radio collared lions.  The contempt for Walter Palmer was so intense the dentist was forced to close his practice and go into hiding until the public quieted down.  One could argue that Palmer was one of the most hated people on earth.

Cecil Image Credit: Brent Stapelkamp

To read more about Cecil's Story pounce here: Honor Cecil by Signing World Heritage Species Petition

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